Rapare 4 o paenfa-whawha 2019
Q Korero: E pahe ana koe?
Talk how are you? Kai-ko-teacher
R: E pai ana ahua (me) Tumukai-principal
I am good Matua tupuna
Q: E pehe ana to Mama? Grand parents
How is…. your... Mum? Whanau
R: E pai ana tuko Mama Family
Good Mum Matuta
Q:E peheh ana to Papa? Father
R:E pai ana tuko Papa. Matua
Q: ko wai to papa? Whaea
Who is your dad? Mother
R:ko...tuko papa
Ka marma?
Q: E peheana o matua
Tupauna ki te taha -to the side
O to mama/Papa ranei?
Of your mum/dada or
R: E pai ana toku mautua tupuna
Ki te taha o tuko mama/papa.
O -oku - sentence with o
Reply with oku.
To-toku- sentence with to
Reply with toku.
Ko wai?
1Kua waitea
kia ora wai I see your have learned some te reo and how we had to make 2 sentences out of te reo . Was it fun to do te reo ? or bad ?